An Aussie Records Update

Why hello there.

You may have noticed that the site hasn’t had many posts in the past.. well.. year.  Part of the reason is the 300+ posts I’ve made on Instagram – please follow!

2020 has been a challenge across the board, and honestly it’s been so draining it took me away from writing about vinyl records.  On top of everything – massive bushfire fronts, toxic smoke 20x above hazardous levels, wearing P2 masks indoors, gigantic hale and a global coronavirus pandemic & isolation and lockdowns – we managed to list and sell our primary residence, and then moved to our offsite location.

So we’re shopping for a new primary residence, and at least 1,000 records are boxed and in storage.

That probably depresses me the most.  However, around 700 LPs are available and spinning, and I still collect actively.  So there’ll still be more tunes.. and hopefully more articles.

I hope you are safe and well during these tragic times.


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